DOKA THERAPY; It is the whole of NATURAL AND ANCIENT TREATMENTS in which methods such as ozone, acupuncture, cupping, mesotherapy, homeopathy and aromatherapy are used together after being planned TOTALLY PERSONAL with toxin load measurement, pulse examination, tongue examination, determination of energy blocks and determination of vitamins and minerals needed by the body.
Türk Hukukçu Kadınlar Derneği
Atamızı ziyaret ettik.
General Assembly
47th year
Atatürk Commemoration Ceremony November 10, 2013
November 10, 2013 "The Republic" Av. Doğudan Bayülgen
2013 ÇANAKKALE Panel, Gezi
Afyon Panel, Tören, Gezi, Cumhuriyet Bayramı kutlaması
4-9 Kasım 2011 Selanik
2012 Senegal/Dakar
2012 Portekız/Porto
Prof.Dr. Nihal Uluocak